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Every human being wants an opportunity to pursue success and happiness. I was looking for such an opportunity when I learned about 4Life. When I first started my business, I had leave straight from my job to give presentations and change clothes in the car. When I told my coworkers about the compensation plan, they made fun of me. They didn’t believe I could succeed.
But now, those people who doubted me are stuck in the same job while I’m transforming my life. I know that network marketing is an amazing opportunity for people who want to fulfill their dreams. I love bringing hope to people who want to change their lives.
I am thankful to God, and Gilberto Cruz for sharing this opportunity, and Jesús Rivera Nova for being a motivational example.
I want to thank my wife, who I love very much, for always standing by me; my two daughters; and my team members, who have been with me in the good times and the bad.
Your life can change overnight, and with courage, everyone can achieve whatever they desire. When you work hard for the best company in the world, you too can succeed!
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, Transfer Factor de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Este producto no es un medicamento. El consumo de este producto es responsabilidad de quien lo recomienda y de quien lo usa.
PERMISOS DE PUBLICIDAD COFEPRIS: 213300201A0264, 213300201A0506.
Salud es Belleza.
AVISOS DE PUBLICIDAD COFEPRIS: 203300202D0267, 203300202D0319, 213300202D0040, 213300202D0042.
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